Arved E-kylas / Invoices in E-kyla

  • E-kylasse sisenedes on vasakpoolses menüüs “Lepingu haldamine”, sealt avanevad üürilepingu andmed.

  • Valides “Halda arveid” on näha kõik üürnikule esitatud arved. Arve numbrile vajutades avaneb valitud arve.

  • Arvel on näha tasumisele kuuluv summa, vajalikud kontonumbrid, viitenumber ning arve tasumistähtaeg.

  • Valides arve all „Ava/salvesta arve”, avaneb arve pdf vorm arve printimiseks, salvestamiseks või edasi saatmiseks.

Teemaga seotud

  • After logging into the system, select “Lepingu haldamine” on the left side menu, there you can see the residential agreement details.

  • Select “Halda arveid” to see all of your invoices. To open the invoice, click on the number of the invoice.

  • The invoice will show the amount due, the bank account numbers, the reference number, and the due date.

  • Selecting “Ava/Salvesta arve” from under the invoice opens the invoice in pdf format and it can be printed, saved or forwarded.

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