Kohapakkumine / Accommodation offer

Kohapakkumine / Accommodation offer

Peale kohapakkumise saamist on 7 päeva aega vastamiseks.

Kui Teile tehtud pakkumine sobib, siis aktsepteerige pakkumine E-kylas, tasuge tagatisraha ning sõlmige leping.

Kui pakkumine ei sobi või te ei vaja kohta, siis saate E-kylas pakkumise tagasi lükata. Sellisel juhul peaks üliõpilaskülaga ühendust võtma ja täpsustama tagasi lükkamise põhjuseid.

Kui 7 päeva jooksul ei ole E-kylas reageeritud, siis läheb pakkumine arhiivi.

After submitting an application you will get an accommodation offer or answer during 15 business days via e-mail.

After you receive the offer, you have 7 days to accept or reject the offer in E-kyla system.

Make a prepayment of deposit right after receiving the accommodation offer. Payment must reach the Student Village within 10 days from the offer, otherwise the offer will be cancelled.

You will get the accommodation confirmation by e-mail.

If you do not pay the room deposit within the deadline, the offer will be cancelled.

If you do not arrive within the first 14 days of your accommodation period (indicated in application) or do not inform the Student Village of your late arrival, then your accommodation will be cancelled. Please send an e-mail to info@campus.ee if your arrival to Tartu needs to be postponed.